Maintain Your Email Health & Deliverability

blog cover image of male email marketer happy with email health and deliverability results

Steer clear of the pitfalls of lousy email health

Email deliverability and health are absolutely essential aspects of any kickass email marketing strategy, and they depend on each other for success.

What's the point of sending out a killer email campaign if your messages end up in someone's junk or spam folder? Ensuring your emails actually make it to your subscribers' inboxes is the key to engaging with your audience and driving those sweet conversions.

But let me tell you, achieving high deliverability rates is no piece of cake. With sneaky spam filters, ever-changing algorithms, and the constant battle against inbox overload, you gotta stay on top of your game.

We're gonna dive deep into the world of email deliverability, covering all the good stuff, like best practices, common challenges, and proven strategies to help you rock your campaigns and secure that coveted inbox placement. So, grab your seatbelt, buckle up, and get ready to level up your email marketing game like a boss!

See how we did it in our Email Health Improvement Case Study

Understanding the difference between email health and email deliverability?

Email health and deliverability go hand in hand in the world of email marketing. While deliverability focuses on getting your emails to the right inbox, email health is all about the quality and reputation of your email-sending setup.

Think of email deliverability as the endgame — ensuring your emails reach the right people — while email health sets the stage for this success.

It involves keeping a squeaky-clean contact database, following industry best practices, and actively managing your sender reputation. By prioritizing both email health and deliverability, you'll increase the chances of your emails landing in the right place at the right time, resulting in more engagement and increased conversions.

So, buckle up and take control of your email marketing game by mastering the art of email deliverability and nurturing a healthy email ecosystem.

The Bad and Best Practices for Email Health

When it comes to email deliverability, it's crucial to understand the rules around HubSpot email suspension.

HubSpot is a powerful platform for email marketing, but you've gotta play by the rules if you want your emails to actually reach your subscribers' inboxes. They have some seriously strict guidelines in place to maintain their high standard of email deliverability for all of their customers.  

If you violate these rules, you could end up with an email suspension, which means your messages won't be delivered to your audience. Yikes! To avoid this nightmare scenario, it's absolutely essential to familiarize yourself with HubSpot's policies and best practices.

Pro tip: Review HubSpot's Acceptable Use Policy

It also means steering clear of any:

  • Spammy content or behaviors
  • Regularly cleaning up your contact database
  • Following industry guidelines

By sticking to these rules, you'll be able to maintain a healthy email ecosystem and increase the chances of your emails landing in the right place at the right time. Let's get this show on the road!

Keep Unsubscribe Rates Below Benchmark

Spammy email content is the bane of every email recipient, but then, why in the world do some marketing teams still do it? It's the stuff that makes your subscribers hit that dreaded "unsubscribe" button faster than you can say "inbox overload."

So, what exactly constitutes spammy content?

Well, it's all about those sneaky tactics that attempt to trick or deceive your recipients. Think excessive exclamation marks, misleading subject lines, sending the same email repeatedly, or sending multiple emails in a short period, and promises of quick and easy riches. It's the stuff that screams "SCAM!" and instantly raises red flags for both spam filters and your subscribers.

To avoid the dreaded spam folder and maintain a positive sender reputation, it's crucial to steer clear of these spammy practices. Stick to providing valuable and relevant content, avoiding excessive sales pitches, and always obtaining proper permission from your subscribers. Don't forget to give them the option to unsubscribe or manage their email preferences.

Remember, building trust and engagement with your audience is the real key to email marketing success. So, say "no" to spammy content, and say "yes" to delivering valuable messages that truly resonate with your subscribers.

Review our Email Health Case Study

Questions you can ask to determine the spam level of your emails:

  • Who is the main subject of my email?
  • Will my customer respond or engage with the content of this email?
  • Does it feel like I'm talking to or at the recipient?
  • Is the information in this email helpful and adds value?

If you answered that the main subject is anyone but the customer, their pain points, challenges, or goals, then start over.

If you wouldn't be compelled to open, read, or click on any of the content in your email, then they definitely will not. It's time to re-write.

If your writing style in emails feels more like a lecture than a conversation, then it's time to work on that. Your emails often make the first impression, and you want them to feel open, thoughtful, and conversational—to build trust, you know?

Plus, Google and Yahoo! are going to make bulk email sending much harder in 2024, and I encourage you to check in on your email health and consider how you're making sure you have best practices in place before then. And if you need help, talk to us.

You'll never have to fix your email health if you prevent it

Mastering email deliverability and keeping an eye on your email health are like the secret sauce to a killer email marketing strategy. By nailing these factors, you can make sure your emails pop into the right inboxes at the right time, revving up engagement and conversions.

Don't forget to abide by the best practices, be a helpful hero, join in on conversations, dish out value, and show some empathy for your subscribers' pain points. It's a must to dodge spammy tactics, spruce up your contact list regularly, and play by the industry rules.

Get the lowdown and play by HubSpot's policies to keep your email game in top shape. By serving up valuable and spot-on content that resonates with your crowd, you can cement trust and turbocharge your email campaigns. So, why wait? Take the reins of your email marketing game by mastering email deliverability and nurturing a healthy email ecosystem.


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